
2015 Summary

Last year, I said 2014 was a momentous year for the cabin.  Well, 2015 was more so.  Keith & I made a quick trip up to the cabin in August to check on the new kitchen porch & foundation and watched as the Rough Fire made its first big runs.  Then began 2 months of drama & angst.  We were not allowed back until October.  That October visit was the quietest we've ever seen there.  Permanent residents were just then making their way back and FS cabin owners were allowed in only to winterize - we winterized for 3 days.  Due to the fire, bears moved into the basin in force.  As of last week, our cabin is still unscathed.  Also, last week the lake finally filled after a much-delayed dam repair.     

     Due to the fire and unexpected repairs, we didn't complete all our planned projects.  Duane rebuilt the kitchen porch and poured 40' of new foundation.  Our electrical repairs kept expanding in scope.  During our July visit, the kitchen sump failed so Keith repaired it.  That same visit, the truck batteries went dead so we got to spend an extra day and ask for help from several kind folks.  We didn't quite finish the loft trim-out but did strip, sand and watco the bathroom trim.  We also found & refurbished a snazzy, vintage, compact Tri-star vacuum which suits the cabin visually and functionally.

     October 2016 marks the 80th birthday of the cabin.  We're doing our best to make sure it meets its next 80 years in great shape, ready for the next generations to enjoy it thoroughly.   

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