2023 was an epic snow year but the cabin survived! 87 Years!
2019 - 2020 - The cabin endures! This is truly a spectacular resource for our family.
Last year, I said 2014 was a momentous year for the cabin. Well, 2015 was more so. Keith & I made a quick trip up to the cabin in August to check on the new kitchen porch & foundation and watched as the Rough Fire made its first big runs. Then began 2 months of drama & angst. We were not allowed back until October. That October visit was the quietest we've ever seen there. Permanent residents were just then making their way back and FS cabin owners were allowed in only to winterize...
2014 was a momentous year for the cabin. While it is our family's legacy, it is also a local icon. Its location puts it in the viewscape of Hume Lake residents & visitors to an astounding degree. People know it - it is significant to the Forest Service and the Hume Lake community. In February, the cabin was featured in Hume Lake Christian Camp's summer video which brought it local fame & notoriety. See these links: - TEASER - FULL VIDEO - This may make more sense if you know a bit about...
The cabin starred in a video filmed by the Hume Lake Christian Camps. Here's a link to the "teaser": Camp Teaser and (above) a couple of pics. Note that very little was moved in the cabin - they used it just as is. The full video will be shown to every group of campers that comes through Hume Lake this summer. If you'd like to attend a viewing (at Hume) let Carol know. Norine & I were lucky enough to get to go to the open house for 1310 West Cliff Drive which Grandma designed and Pappy...
The roof project is done! It looks great! A huge thank you to contractor Duane Warkentin who did a fantastic job and kept us well-informed with pictures. Thank you, too, to all who contributed $$ to accomplish the project. The cabin looks amazing - see more in Roof Project and Gallery. It looks even better in person - Keith & I took a quick trip up in early Nov to check it out and were delighted with the roof job. The new roof insulation helped keep the cabin much cozier. I hope we can keep...
For more pics - click here - see "Before&After" 10/27: It's watertight! Duane finished the roof Saturday and a small snow-storm came in Sunday night - but the cabin was already snug. We have a few details to tie up with Duane but we're very happy with how it turned out. The cabin may not look as quaint (read derelict) as before but we think it's beautiful since it is sound, tight, and done! The new roof does make the north deck & the logs look a little frumpy - maybe next year??? 10/22:...
Hi all - We just got back from our fourth trip to the cabin this year. We had beautiful weather and another successful work weekend. I thought it would be a good idea to condense some of the info on this website and ended up deleting my earlier blogs from 2013 about taking down the kindling shed & installing the range. Oops. But you can still check out the before & after photos in the gallery. Also see the lists of completed and future projects. We just keep plugging away and we tell...
Keith & I have done a lot of cleaning & restoring at the cabin in the last few weeks. We refinished the kitchen floor, restored damaged door jambs and cleaned out storage areas, to name a few of our projects. The cabin is a little gem - our intent is to polish it & make it shine so every visitor will treasure and care for it. Check out interior photos in the gallery.