Remove Hazard Tree

Update 4/26/2022 - The looming tree by the front door is down!  Its pitch & falling branches & threat to the roof won't be missed!  Keith is extremely relieved since he had been sleeping uneasily ever since we were able to see the top.  Jared of Clovis Tree did his usual awesome job as you can see from the spectacular photos he took.  The cabin is fine and the site is clean as can be.  It almost looks like they even raked up a lot of the needles.  Note the broken widow makers (4th photo) & the really nasty high crotch (6th photo).  USFS required stump treatment with Borax and Keith required 100% debris removal to avoid bark beetle infestation.  So relieved!

Update 3/3/22 - 67% approval on this project, scheduled for April 25 this year.

Due to all the terrible fires of the past few years, we look at trees differently now.  For some time, we've been a little leery of the bad crotch in the tree just outside our cabin entry.  Not so evident in the photos are the multiple broken-tops on each stem.  This pine, (now about 30" dbh) likes to drop large limbs & pitch on our cabin roof and any visiting vehicles.  Its roots are somewhat compromised. 

In January 2022, we asked permission from USFS to remove this tree before it gets any larger, thinking we'd get approved some years from now.  Surprise!  We already got the go-ahead!  We plan to hire Jared Schutz of Clovis Tree Service - licensed and fully insured, a must for this job.  He thinks it will be $2k-$3k, all debris to be removed from site.  Comments?

Tree Removal Email Exchange.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 123.4 KB

Comments: 4
  • #4

    Ken (Wednesday, 02 March 2022 13:47)

    It's a good idea to take it down and that sounds like a good price, too.

  • #3

    Ellen Rinde (Friday, 25 February 2022 15:16)

    I support this plan. I really liked that tree when it was younger but it's gotten really big, tends to drop a lot of debris and the root system has looked a little suspect from years. Time for it to go. Given the size of the tree, the amount of debris to clean up and it's location, the price seems reasonable (or maybe it's just that I've spent so much money on tree work in the past 18 months that I've gotten numb to the cost).

  • #2

    Carol Chambers (Thursday, 24 February 2022 20:41)

    Ken & Emmilou have verbally approved this tree removal. Yay!

  • #1

    Emmilou Hightower (Wednesday, 23 February 2022 10:08)

    That's great news! Sounds like USFS looks at trees differently too!