Roof Project

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October 2013

For more pics - click here - see "Before&After"

10/27:  It's watertight!  Duane finished the roof Saturday and a small snow-storm came in Sunday night - but the cabin was already snug.  We have a few details to tie up with Duane but we're very happy with how it turned out.  The cabin may not look as quaint (read derelict) as before but we think it's beautiful since it is sound, tight, and done! The new roof does make the north deck & the logs look a little frumpy - maybe next year???

10/22:  Passed inspection with flying colors - shake install is progressing - should be done by the end of next week.  Duane is very detail oriented - he's doing some great work.  He says the redwood fascia material is beautiful & easy to work with.  He loves the view as he's working on the cabin.

10/21:  Densdek, the fire retardant layer, is installed.  Shakes are delivered & will be installed following tomorrow's inspection.  The weather is great & the job is going extremely well.  

10/16:  By yesterday, the roof sheathing was almost done on the south side & sleepers were well underway on the north side.  Awesome!

10/14:  We got FS authorization mailed the day of the govt shutdown.  Duane Warkentin, contractor, picked up the permit 10/8.  Tear-off started 10/9.  As of today, the porch roof is already replaced. The roof sheathing & rafters are all sound and the weather is great.  This is very exciting!  



Bid from Duane Warkentin
Adobe Acrobat Document 11.1 KB
Email Exchange with Jennifer White, USFS
Adobe Acrobat Document 12.2 KB